Category Archives: education

Lever Action Click Mechanism – not clicking? – Quick Fix!

This is an easy fix for a “sticky” click mechanism.

With thousands of Lever Action pen kits sold, we have had only a few “sticky” click mechanisms, and even those have been fixed in the field!  Every now and then, any click mechanism may slip out of alignment and not click properly.

If you look down the center of the inside of the lever action click mechanism you will see four little white “arms” that stick out.  (Photo below left)

Take a paperclip that has a slight hook on the end, and slide it behind one of the little arms and pull it up.  ”Jiggle” it a little bit. It should fall back into place, and you have now repaired the click mechanism – see I told you it was an easy fix!

Paperclip inside of lever action click mechanism.

Paperclip inside of lever action click mechanism.

Lever Action "tool"

Lever Action “tool”

Barry’s teaching Fine Writing Instruments at Marc Adams School of Woodworking

fine_pens_bg2Barry Gross, owner of Arizona Silhouette, will make you feel at home in this pen turning course, even if you have never made a pen before! Students from basic to advanced are welcome to learn an assortment of techniques to take their pen making to the next level. Thinking creatively, the key to enhance your pen making abilities, will be discussed throughout the course. Students will work with a variety of materials including, but not limited to, exotic wood, stabilized wood, biologicals and acrylics. Students will learn how to cast their own clear acrylic pen blanks (without a pressure pot!) which will open their mind to a wide range of creative ideas. Segmented pens, closed end pens and laser-cut kits will be made. Many different finishing techniques will be stressed throughout the course including a very easy Super Glue finish. By the end of the week, each student will have made a minimum of eight different pens with emphasis on quality of fit and finish. After finishing the pen masterpieces, Barry will discuss the best way to market one-of-a-kind works of art!

fine_pens_bg4Key Points:

  • Achieve a perfect finish on pens
  • Work with stabilized and non-stabilized material
  • Learn how to cast your own clear acrylic pen blanks
  • Learn the best way to work with acrylics and other materials
  • Gain a working knowledge of segmented pens
  • Adjust a fountain pen nib with proper alignment of tines

Class of 2014

It Can Happen To Anyone!

Paradise City Arts Festival is coming up this Memorial Day Weekend in Northampton, MA. As usual, I am scrambling to get things finished.  This past weekend was a crazy busy weekend with all the “honey do’s”, taking care of the lawn, and I had to squeeze in making a few last minute pens (14 of them) and  (7) pepper grinders. (The photo is only showing 3 of them.)

Pens & Pepper Grinders for Show

Pens & Pepper Grinders for Show

As I was turning one of the casted abalone shell pen blanks, I chipped out one of the ends.  I lost my concentration and “ding”  it went!  I looked for the little chipped out piece for about 20 minutes, cursing all the time “how stupid and dumb” I was for letting it happen. But then I remembered what someone once told me, “it can happen to anyone”. Even the best of turners have a lapse of concentration, and can blow up a project.  So I took a deep breath and a few seconds later I found my little chipped out piece.

Now, what to do with the chip?

I used medium CA glue and glued it back in, and then for good measure added, some more medium CA glue around the entire chipped out piece.  I put it back on the lathe and this time paying attention, finished it without any further issues.  Once it was all done and polished, I put the repaired section underneath the clip, and you can see the results for yourself – no one will ever know – please don’t tell anyone about this, especially at the Paradise City Arts Festival!

Chipped Out Piece

Chipped Out Piece

Chip Glued Back In.

Chip Glued Back In.

What Chip?  Do You See A Chipped Pen?

What Chip? Do You See A Chipped Pen?



Atlantic Shore Woodturners Meeting & Answers To Your Casting Questions

Atlantic Shore Woodturners Meeting

Atlantic Shore Woodturners Meeting

Thank you to the  Atlantic Shore Woodturners for having me at your meeting last evening.  This was the third time in the past 12 days that I demonstrated for a group on making clear casted pen blanks .


Some of the same questions keep coming up, and I thought I would share them with everyone:

Is there a kit that has everything in it to make clear pen blanks?
Yes,  the Pen Blank Casting Kit from Arizona Silhouette.

What pen kit should I use?
I suggest using a larger pen tube kit such as a Sierra, Sierra Vista, Gatsby, Wall Street II of Wall Street III. They all use a 27/64″ pen tube which will give you a larger surface area to use.

What type of paint do I use to paint the tubes?
Any acrylic paint from your local hobby store will work.  Just make sure that you rough up the pen tubes first.

Do I need a pressure pot or vacuum chamber to cast polyester pen blanks?
No, if you are using polyester resin, you do not need vacuum or pressure to cast your blanks.  If you are using Alumilite then yes, you definitely *will* need a pressure pot, you do not need to deal with all the bubbles that form with Alumilite.

Why don’t I need a pressure pot?
The reason you do not need a pressure pot is that you are pouring the resin in 3 separate pours so if any bubbles do form they will come to the surface by themselves and break open into the air.  If you try and pour it all at once, then you run the risk of getting air trapped in your pour and ruining your pen blank.

What type of printer and paper do I need to make a picture or logo pen?
I use regular ink jet paper with an ink jet printer.  Photo paper is too thick, and will not wrap around the pen tube properly.  I paint the pen tube with white paint to make the photo brighter as well. Also, DO NOT use a laser jet  printer.  The laser jet ink will “float” off because the resin will attack the ink – so only use an ink jet printer!

Why don’t you see “lines” on the finished pen since you are pouring three separate times?
Good Question!  I am not a chemist, all I can say is that I have made thousands of pens using this method and NOT ONCE have I seen a pour line after it has been wet sanded and polished the pen blank.  So relax and enjoy your own creation!

Lever action Bullet Click Pen

Lever action Bullet Click Pen

The fastest selling pen kits on the market today, the Lever Action Pen Kits, once again sold out in less than a day!

A new shipment will come into our warehouse on Thursday morning and we will still offer them at the introductory price of $12.80, but only until 11:59 PM EDT on Thursday.  After that, the price will go back up to $14.95 – so act now – call us at 1-888-717-4202 to reserve your pen kits at the reduced cost.

Come See Barry at the Mid-Atlantic Pen Gathering

MAPG-150Come see all the latest in Pen Making at the Mid-Atlantic Pen Gathering… Door Prizes – Education and more…
This year the Mid-Atlantic Pen Gathering is being held at the Woodcraft store in Glen Allen, VA this Friday and Saturday May 1 & 2, 2015.
This year’s presenters are:
Kurt Hertzog – Making your pens Unique and making a stick pen.
Barry Gross – On Tube Clear Casting
Charlie Wortman – Turning Between Centers
Roy Robaldo – How to upgrade a nib
Bill Walter & Bruce Robbins – The incredible threading machine
The vendor room will include: Arizona Silhouette, Brooks Blanks, The Classic Nib and and more….

Barry at Bucks Woodturners Meeting on Monday, April 20, 2015

Stabilization Chamber & Cactus Juice

Stabilization Chamber & Cactus Juice

This coming Monday, April 20, 2015  Barry will be at the Bucks Woodturners meeting to explain his wood stabilization chamber – the one that uses Cactus Juice!

Cactus “juice” is a professional grade heat cured resin for stabilizing and hardening wood and other porous material. It is especially effective on beautiful, punky, or spalted woods that would otherwise be too soft to work with.

Copper Bangle Bracelet with turquoise

Copper Bangle Bracelet with turquoise

Barry’s also going to demonstrate making a bangle bracelet with a seamless metal core.

Bucks Woodturners meetings begin at 7:30 PM in the woodworking studio in the Hicks Art Center building of the Bucks County Community College, Swamp Road, Newtown, PA.

Click here for directions to the college:

Click here for a Map of the campus:

If you live near the Philadelphia suburb of Bucks County, here’s more info about this woodturning group:

Pen Making Demonstration at DelVal Woodturners in NJ

Barry demonstrating at DelVal Woodturners Group

Barry demonstrating at DelVal Woodturners Group

I want to thank everyone who attended the Pen Making Demonstration at Del Val Woodturners meeting the other night in Moorestown, NJ.

The meeting was very well attended. There were many questions from the audience ranging from tool selection to finishing techniques.

There was even an unanticipated “bonus” demonstration. I had to repair the Spalted maple pen blank that I was turning because a piece “blew” off! (I know, you didn’t think this happened to professionals) Once it was repaired, no one could tell where the piece blew out. It was a good lesson on repairing a blow out. Learning little tips like this is a great way to save frustration, time & money.

Thank you for hosting me, I had a great time!

For more information on Del Val Woodturners see


A nice turnout at the DelVal Woodturners Club


Thank you to DelVal Woodturners, I had a good time!

Mandrel Saver Dilemma?

Use a block similar to this to aid in removing a mandrel saver.

Use a block similar to this to aid in removing a mandrel saver.

On some lathes, like my Oneway lathe and other larger lathes,  my mandrel saver will not eject when I turn my tail stock quill all the way.   The mandrel saver length it too short.  To remedy this, I made a block of wood that would go over the tail stock quill and “eject” the mandrel saver when I turned the quill all the way.  This sure beats using a screwdriver to drive the mandrel saver out!



Quick Reminder – closed end mandrels are coming back in stock on a daily basis – see which ones are new? click here to see…


Dust Collector Nightmare!

I know this has never happened to anyone but me!

Safety screen keeps items from being "sucked' into the dust collector.

Safety screen keeps items from being “sucked’ into the dust collector.

Ever turn something, and for whatever reason it came loose and got “sucked up” into the dust collector?  This happened to me on more than one occasion, until I made myself a little wooden screen to prevent the pieces from being sucked into the dust collector.

Now, if a piece comes loose and the dust collector is sucking like it should, my piece simply gets sucked to the back of the dust collector and the wooden screen stops it from becoming sliced and diced by my dust collector!  Life is Good!


Pepper grinders are a buyer’s favorite for me at my shows, and they are easy to make!  click here to see the pepper grinders…

Sharpening your tools enough?

A question that always comes up at shows, and in person, is

When should I sharpen my tools?

The obvious answer is when they are dull!

How do I know when they are dull? 

A quick answer is when you are pressing harder to make the same cut you did a few minutes ago.  When you press harder you apply more strain on yourself, your tool and the piece you are trying to cut. When you are cutting your material, and you see that the material you are cutting is not coming off smoothly, then it is time to sharpen your tool.

CBN Wheels

CBN Wheels (photo 1)

Grinder with CBN Wheels

Grinder with CBN Wheels (photo 2)

If you look at photo 1 you can see that I originally had 8” wheels to start and ground the blue 80 grit wheel to 6” and the white 240 grit wheel to 7”.   It was time for me to get new wheels so I “bit the bullet”, and purchased the new Cubic Boron Nitride or CBN wheels. see photo 2.  CBN is more expensive than industrial diamonds, 4 times harder than regular aluminum oxide wheels and these wheels will be the last wheels you will ever have to purchase!

The first time I used them I was surprised to see that my tool was not hot like it was with regular aluminum oxide wheels.  The wheels generate very few sparks, and will stay flat, which will give your tools a much sharper, and cleaner edge!  CBN people tell you that if the pressure is right, your tool will hardly get warm, and they are correct!

So the bottom line is, I am really a fan of my new CBN wheels, I get a better, faster, cleaner edge on my tools so I can get back to my work faster!  Just beware of the knock off China made wheels, they are not the same and do not hold up!

Oh, I purchased my CBN wheels at 

The Odie’s Oil is back in stock and we have some new pen blank specials for you in the specials section!

Ooops… almost forgot.

The small alligator blanks are also back in stock! The snakeskin blanks will be available within a month!