Welcome To Our Third Annual Anniversary Sale!
To Celebrate Our Anniversary We Are Putting
The Whole Store On Sale At 10% OFF*!
Being a family run business we appreciate ALL our loyal customers, and assure them of the highest standards for quality service that they have come to expect from all of us.
We like to reward that loyalty with good, and sometimes exceptional, deals!
In preparation for the upcoming fall show schedule we go through the warehouse, clean it, (Cole loves that job!) and get ready to offer new products. We are offering some fantastic discounts up to 65% off on popular kits to help you gain greater profits for your business. When you succeed we succeed!
So take your time and browse through the Anniversary sale section, and have some fun while saving money!
*The fine print: The anniversary category has discounts far beyond 10%, so the coupon will not take an additional 10% off of these products. Other discount exclusions are the stabilization products, bangle bracelets, lathes, and new nickel lever action pen kits.
To get 10% off of your order, please use the coupon code: 3RDYEAR during checkout
On behalf of Lenora, Michael, Cole, Susan and Tera we want to wish you a successful fall show season. Lenora & I look forward to seeing each of you at The Woodworking Shows in 2016!
Happy Turning!