The DC Pen Show is over, and it is back to work time. We are still cleaning the warehouse and Cole found a few more pen kits, and some Gemstone Pen Blanks hiding in a corner, so we placed them in the Specials Section. Speaking of Gemstones, we have replenished our stock of them and added a new popular Gemstone – White Marble.
The new Pen Turning DVD is having brisk sales, and Michael wants to continue to offer the Special Introductory price of $19.95 & free shipping for the next few days. He twisted my arm, so we will extend it for a little while longer. Act now, my arm can only take so much twisting!
It’s back into the shop to start making some more pens for the marathon three weeks of shows in October! I’ll be a busy guy -oops, I mean a BUSIER guy!
Happy Turning –
Is that blue cheese or havarti?
it’s whatever you want it to be as long as you buy it!
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Do you post a list of future shows anywhere
Hi Virgil – we will be adding them to our blog and FB page this week! Thanks!
All of our upcoming events (that we know of) are now in the events section of our Facebook page!
So what the Hell is that
White Marble Gemstone
I want one of those u don’t see them to often
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