Category Archives: news

Lever Action Bullet Ballpoint Pen Kits are here!!

Lever action Bullet Click Pen

Lever action Bullet Click Pen. Click photo above to see it in action!

The Lever Action Bullet Ballpoint Pen Kits have arrived!  

Our loyal blog followers will be the first to get these great pen kits at the special, limited time, introductory price of $12.80!(special price offer has expired) The pen is adorned with antique brass that is etched with a deer on one side, and the entry hole for the shell on the other side. There is real rifle lever action that makes this fun to use. This should prove to be a very popular addition to your portfolio of pens for selling, gift giving or just using for yourself.


Watch out bolt action, the LEVER has arrived!


I just made two of the lever action pens. They are fun, and easy to make. It is a single barrel pen, and the click sound is really good!


New 4″ Robust Tool Rest

Two New Products…

“A” bushings for some popular pen kits, and a new slightly longer 4″ tool rest from Robust!

We just received new “A” bushings for the following popular pen kits:  Cambridge Series, Churchill, El Grande and the Perfect Fit series pens.  The issue in the past has been some pen turners did not want to purchase a separate “B” size mandrel.  Now, with the release of the “A” bushings for those kits you can use your current mandrel.  Click here for new bushings

You asked for it, and now it is here!

New 4" Robust Tool Rest

New 4″ Robust Tool Rest – Click here to see new tool rest

Robust tools has made another one of their “special” shorter tool rest for the pen making world and we are the first to have it!  While attending The Woodworking Shows, many of you had asked it we could make a version slightly longer than the 3″ tool rest. We asked Robust Tools and they made it for us!

Heading to Tampa

We received some good news as we were packing for the last of The Woodworking Shows in Tampa  —  The Strike is OVER!!!!
The west coast dock worker strike is finally over.  For over 6 months the dock workers on the west coast, where our products are unloaded from Taiwan, were on a work slow down. This caused major delays in off-loading products, and cost the railroads millions of dollars in unloaded rail containers that were heading back east empty.
Now that the strike is over, it is good news for us pen makers.  We will start to get our products in from Taiwan that were on back order, such as the Elegant Beauty Sierra pens (BHW250 & BHW251) and the Sierra Vista green & black computer chip pens – both back in stock now!
If you have been waiting for the high end cherry pen box, they are being off loaded from Taiwan now, and will be available next Wednesday.
Turbin Pen / stylus in Chrome

Turbin Stylus / Click Pen in Chrome

Just in today…

A new stylus click pen the “Turbin” which is economically priced, but uses a Parker style refill.  Take notes on paper, and then use the stylus on your smart phone or tablet!
If You’re in the Tampa area this weekend, stop on in to The Woodworking Show and say “Hi!”
Happy Turning!

Powerful New Lathe From Colt

Just got this new lathe in from Colt (the drill bit people).  It has not been released yet to the public but when it is, watch out!  The lathe is very well built, very solid and very quiet.  It has a digital readout, true variable speed from zero to 3,600 and really powerful! I am trying to get all the specifications so I can list them but what was sent to me is in German so I am having a problem translating it but I am impressed with this lathe!  More to follow!

Turned Bangle Bracelet on the Colt lathe.

Turned Bangle Bracelet on the Colt lathe.


The first picture is showing a bangle bracelet on a four jawed chuck that was just turned and the second picture is showing a pepper grinder that I just drilled out.




Just drilled Pepper Grinder.

Just drilled Pepper Grinder.


Turned Bangle Bracelet




Just a reminder, the special acrylics are running out fast so get them while you can. click here

Gemstone / Tru-Stone Prices Double!

Price increase on all Gemstone / Tru-stone pen blanks

Price increase on all Gemstone / Tru-stone pen blanks

Our suppliers of Tru-Stone & Gemstone have **doubled** the price of the pen blanks “due to the increased compliancy issues with mining in the US, the ores that are used in the process of making the pen blanks have increased 80-100%” – the end result is a 100% increase in cost of the Gemstone / Tru-Stone pen blanks!

As a company we are looking for other more reasonable alternatives, but have not found them to date.  We apologize if this increase in price will cause any hardships, but we have no alternative but to raise our prices.

These Gemstone blanks are very beautiful and popular with customers, especially on the higher end pen kits like the Majestic and Cambridge lines. There’s a “WOW” factor to them that your customers can appreciate, just be sure to raise your pen prices to compensate for the additional cost.