Pen Turners Workbook Vol 3 in Korean!

Now Available in Korean

Now Available in Korean

David Duk-Su purchased the Pen Turner’s Workbook from a book store, and thought it would be a good book to translate in Korean.
He approached me over a year ago, right after the third edition was published, and we started to work on the translation. David thought this would be a good book to translate into Korean since the popularity of pen making is rising, and you don’t need a lot of space to make pens. David approached a Korean publisher, and to his astonishment, he found out that no woodworking book has EVER been translated from English to Korean! There are Korean woodworking books, but this is the first woodworking book of any kind to be translated into Korean. Obviously, my Korean is a tad rusty, so I had to rely on David to do ALL the work. It took well over a year. We went back and forth on certain phrases because English does not directly translate in Korean easily. Now it has been published in Korean, and I am proud of the work David did to accomplish it – my many thanks to him!

Now, if I can only get him to send me over there for a free book tour!
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