Even if you have never made a pen before, Barry will make you feel at home in this course! Students from basic to advanced are welcome to learn an assortment of techniques to take their pen making to the next level. Thinking creatively is the key to enhance your pen making abilities which will be discussed throughout the course. Students will work with a variety of materials including, but not limited to, exotic wood, stabilized wood, “biologicals” and acrylics. You will learn how to cast your own clear acrylic pen blanks (without a pressure pot!) which will open your mind to a wide range of creative ideas. Segmented pens, closed end pens and laser cut kits will be made. Many different finishing techniques will be stressed throughout the course including a very easy CA glue finish. By the end of the week each student will have made a minimum of 8 different pens with emphasis on quality of fit and finish. After finishing with your pen masterpieces, Barry will discuss the best way to market your one-of-a-kind masterpieces!
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