Category Archives: Special Offers

Anniversary Sale and Pen Class!

Marc Adams Classroom

The Anniversary sale is still going strong!
For this final week we are offering all the items that we had on sale the three previous weeks, plus new additions!

These past few weeks have been very busy getting ready for this week’s SOLD OUT, week-long Fine writing Instrument class at Marc Adams Woodworking School in Indianapolis.  This is a top notch woodworking school that everyone should consider attending. This will be my seventh (7) year teaching there with another full class of 16 students.  We will create over 10 pens during the week, while learn different skills such as:
segmenting using the Gisi technique,
sharpening your tools with CBN wheels, friction and CA glue finishes, tool techniques, and much more. 

That means we make up 18 sets of everything, this includes 2 spare sets – just in case. We’re packing notebooks, pen kits, bushings, blanks, sanding materials, instructions, PowerPoint presentations and more.  I am preparing everything with the help of my elves here at the warehouse in Pennsylvania.  In the class we will be drying and stabilizing wood blanks, clear label casting pen blanks, making exotic pen blanks using material such as shredded credit cards, abalone pieces and strips, watch parts and many other unique items!

Next year in 2020, I am already booked to teach to two (2) different classes.  One at Marc Adams again in August, and the other at Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts in June.  Stay tuned for exact dates in the coming future and if interested, sign up early because they fill up fast.

Happy Turning – Barry

Arizona Silhouette’s Anniversary Month – Week 3!

Jumbo Box Elder Burl Blanks

Our 7th Anniversary Sale is going well with one more week to go.

This week we’re offering Colt drill bits, and other Colt items, at over 40 to 50% off!  Spalted Birch pen blanks are back in stock and on sale, as well as Jumbo Box Dyed Box Elder Burl and Gold Dyed Spalted Maple. This week’s pen kits on sale are Cigar pen, Carbara Pen and the Policeman’s Pen

It’s a good time to stock up while you prepare for Holiday craft shows and gift giving.

Happy Turning- Barry

Arizona Silhouette’s 7th Anniversary Sale Month – Save Big!

Moving Day 8/3/12 – 108 degrees!

Happy Anniversary – 7 Years and still counting!
Thank you to all of our loyal friends!

August is Arizona Silhouette’s Anniversary Month. It seems like only yesterday when we moved thousands of pounds of pen kits, wood and equipment 2,600 miles from Yuma AZ. to Bensalem, PA.  It was really hot that day,  they say that the heat in the desert is dry heat, NOT TRUE,  at 3 PM it was 108 degrees and we were sweating our #%&@ off!  The next problem was the moving company had an issue with their driver and all our products were delayed two weeks getting to our location in PA. But it ended well, and here we are 7 years later…..

To celebrate our 7th anniversary, each week for the next month, we are going to offer some of our best selling pen kits and pen blanks at great discounts!  We’ll be letting you know on the blog, and through our email list. Stay tuned for lots of savings!    

Happy Turning – Barry


How To Get Started Selling Your Handmade Pens

Marketing Your Pen Making Work,
Part 1: 
Table Money Products

It is the fall craft show season! Time to get busy turning some pens!

I am asked, almost daily, “How can I get started selling my pen turning work?”
My first question back to that individual is “Where do you want to sell your work?”
The typical answer is usually “I don’t know”.

This is the first step.

There is no simple step-by-step guide to follow, if there was then everybody would already be selling their work, and no one would ask me for the answers!

So here are some basic questions & answers:

How do I find craft shows or fairs for selling my handmade wood pens?

Your best resource is the internet. Just type “local street fairs” into Google, and hundreds of thousands of responses came back in under a second! Then you can narrow it down to find the local shows and fairs in your area. Just add your state, town, or county to the search.

For argument sake, let’s break the types of shows down to three groups:

Group 1 – For lack of a better term we’ll call these “street fairs, local bazaars or church fairs.” These are inexpensive to get into, non-juried shows. 

Group 2 – juried shows, medium size, local or regional

Group 3 – juried show, high end. These can be regionally or nationally well known, and established shows. 

We will be discussing these 3 types of shows over the next few blog posts.

Group 1: Local Street Fairs, Local Bazaars or Church Fairs.

This is where you see the fair advertised in the local paper, with flyers at local stores, local social media, or someone tells you about it. Inquire about one of these shows and they will tell you that a six foot table will cost anywhere from $10 to $125 per table. These types of fairs are not juried, so you do not have to submit images of your work to get into the show. These shows do not charge the public to attend. It’s usually a first come, first served type of selection for the vendors. You could be competing with too many other pen makers, or be stuck between the Kettle Korn vendor and the guy selling CDs of his own, very loud, tuba songs. It may be difficult to determine how well you will do at the show, but it is a good way to start.
HINT: I do not go to a show strictly on the word of the promoter, their job is to sell tables or spaces and they do not care what goes on that table as long as they get YOUR money! Sometimes a promoter will brag about how many thousands of people will attend, and they will sell you on that idea. Many factors contribute to how well a show is attended, and if it is attended by buyers, and not just lookers. If you are not selling your pens just yet, go to as many of these shows as possible as a “customer”. You can get a good feel for the show this way, and know the shows you want to sell at when you are ready.

So you have paid the entrance fee, now what?

For this type of show, chances are you will not see the serious pen aficionado, so I would not have a lot of high end fountain pens there selling for hundreds of dollars. For these types of venues, I would suggest pens in the retail range of $25 to $50, say Slimline pens and single barrel pens such as the Sierra or Gatsby. It is always a good idea to have a few higher end pens there, say in the range of $75-$90 and these pens would be like a Baron or Tycoon made as a rollerball pen. You never know who will show up at one of these shows, so have the higher end pens to show off your talent & skills. They will be the “eye candy” of your table.

At these types of venues, Table Money items such as key rings, small styluses and other non-pen items like bottle openers and pizza cutters are always good for the money that will at least pay for the entrance fee. Have these items visible where your customers will check out so they can clearly see them, and purchase them, almost as am impulse item. These items are made from scrap material, they easy and quick to make, and sell for around $15. That’s what “table money” items are. You can pay for your entrance fee with just a few of these products being sold, so always have several types of small things for sale at your checkout station.

How do you display your items?

booth-empty-FBIt is very important to display your items so your customers can see them clearly. Please, don’t just throw a drape over the table and open up a carry case with your pens in it! Put some thought into how you will display your work. You want to have your pens at eye level if possible. Have some sort of a step arrangement to place acrylic stands or pen boxes on the steps to elevate them off the table. It can be as simple as stacking some sturdy and attractive cardboard, wood or acrylic boxes to give you several levels of interest on your display. Local craft stores have many items that can be used for display purposes. Look at jewelry display trees for hanging up key rings, small styli, and other small colorful items for sale. These are just a few ideas to get you started for a successful show.

The next time we will discuss mid-level shows, and some of the items to bring to that type of show.

To get you started, we have put some “Table Money” products, and booth display stands on sale at 10% off. Hurry these are only on sale until Monday October 24!

click here to go shopping



Happy Turning,


Father’s Day Specials

Where would we be without Dear Ole Dad? Tired of giving him the same old tie every year? Try making him a great gift for Father’s Day – check out the the Father’s Day Specials, we are offering a 10% discount on the following kits….









All Rogue Cigar Holder kits, the upscale Cubano Cigar style pen kit, the Spartan click pen and the Gearshift pen kits.  All of these are larger kits, and will fit great in Dad’s hands.

The hands that held you when you were small, the guy who changed you – do something special for him!

New Antique Nickel Lever Action Pen Kits now 10% off!

Antique Nickel Lever Action Pen

Antique Nickel Lever Action Pen

Earlier this week we started taking pre-orders for the new Antique Nickel Lever Action Pen Kits. It just happened to be right before our store-wide 10% off Anniversary sale. Since they were a brand new product, I decided that they *probably* should stay at their regular price, so I excluded them from the sale.

Boy, was I wrong, and Lenora let me know about it!
She said that of course they should be on sale with the other products! So just to be fair, all the people who pre-ordered the pens also got the 10% discount.

Hopefully, this will now get me out of the doghouse.

So, now it’s an even better time to get the new Nickel finish version of the hottest selling pen style. The Antique Brass version has already proven to be an incredibly popular seller at pen shows & fine craft shows. The Nickel finish will give your customers a hard decision about which one to choose.

The 3rd Anniversary Sale will end on Sept. 8, 2015 so it’s a good excuse to stock up for the show season, and the upcoming holidays – they’re closer than you think! (If you don’t believe me, just look at all the Halloween stuff in the stores)

You will want to get these NOW, because our next shipment is not coming in until November, and it may be too late by

Happy Turning,




Happy 3rd Anniversary to us!


Welcome To Our Third Annual Anniversary Sale!
To Celebrate Our Anniversary We Are Putting
The Whole Store On Sale At 10% OFF*!

Being a family run business we appreciate ALL our loyal customers, and assure them of the highest standards for quality service that they have come to expect from all of us.
We like to reward that loyalty with good, and sometimes exceptional, deals!

In preparation for the upcoming fall show schedule we go through the warehouse, clean it, (Cole loves that job!) and get ready to offer new products. We are offering some fantastic discounts up to 65% off on popular kits to help you gain greater profits for your business. When you succeed we succeed!
So take your time and browse through the Anniversary sale section, and have some fun while saving money!
*The fine print: The anniversary category has discounts far beyond 10%, so the coupon will not take an additional 10% off of these products. Other discount exclusions are the stabilization products, bangle bracelets, lathes, and new nickel lever action pen kits.

To get 10% off of your order, please use the coupon code: 3RDYEAR  during checkout

On behalf of Lenora, Michael, Cole, Susan and Tera we want to wish you a successful fall show season.  Lenora & I look forward to seeing each of you at The Woodworking Shows in 2016!

Happy Turning!



Newly Reduced Warehouse Clearance Items!

The DC Pen Show is over, and it is back to work time. We are still cleaning the warehouse and Cole found a few more pen kits, and some  Gemstone Pen Blanks hiding in a corner, so we placed them in the Specials Section.  Speaking of Gemstones, we have replenished our stock of them and added a new popular Gemstone – White Marble.

New- White Marble Gemstone

New- White Marble Gemstone

The new Pen Turning DVD is having brisk sales, and Michael wants to continue to offer the Special Introductory price of $19.95 & free shipping for the next few days.  He twisted my arm, so we will extend it for a little while longer. Act now, my arm can only take so much twisting!

It’s back into the shop to start making some more pens for the marathon three weeks of shows in October! I’ll be a busy guy -oops, I mean a BUSIER guy!

Happy Turning –



Warehouse Clearance Specials!

I’m running around, and getting everything ready to go to the Washington DC pen show this weekend.

While going through the warehouse and gathering some pen boxes and stands for my displays,  I saw that we have a LOT of kits here too. We need to move these because  I screwed up, and ordered too many pen kits! I need to make room for some other  items, so we are blowing some of these kits out at ridiculous prices!

BHW485_274x274The first kit that I’m discounting is the poplar Rinehart rollerball in chrome or upgrade gold. The list price of $16.95 is now only $10.50 each, saving you over 38%!  If you want a fountain pen, then the Rinehart fountain pen in chrome or upgrade gold – list price of $17.95 now only $10.50 each saving  you over 42%!
This is more money in YOUR pocket when you sell these beautiful pens.

As I come across more overstocked “stuff”, I will be adding them to our clearance section:

Pizza Cutter Kits are in, and 10% off

pizzaPizza Cutter – 10% Off for a limited time

This heavy-duty pizza cutter is designed with a well-balanced, heavy duty, chrome-plated frame and a super sharp 4″ stainless steel blade that will tackle the toughest pepperoni with ease!

This is an easy to do project. Just drill one end, screw in the bottle stopper mandrel and turn to your desired shape and finish, then remove the bottle stopper mandrel and thread in the insert into the end of the handle and add the cutter!

The large 4” stainless steel cutter head can easily be removed for cleaning.

These household kits are a wonderful addition to your line of pens. Great for gifts! Stock up now on kits at the discounted price so you are ready for the Holiday Season!

10% Off only until 8/7/15 – Stock Up Now!
Click here to go to the store